David Ostrowski (*1981) has produced a body of work that revolves around the idea of reduction – an interplay between nothingness and poeticization beyond cultural and painterly codes. Ostrowski’s paintings are products of a desire to eliminate painterly knowledge. They are expressions of the idea that in producing notions of emptiness, one also grapples with and comments on the history of painting. The Cologne-based artist’s light-handed and complex approaches to the non-motif open the space of the canvas to unique breaches of perception and an unexpected freedom of seeing.

Photo: Robert Wedemeyer
David Ostrowski
Let me put it this way
Aranya Art Center, Beidaihe
May 26–November 23, 2025
Aranya Art Center North is pleased to present German artist David Ostrowski’s first solo museum exhibition Let me put it this way in China. Known for his reduced canvases, Ostrowski has produced a body of work that relentlessly questions the medium of painting and its constitutive elements – deliberately breaking with painterly codes and traditions. On some of his paintings there is simply a sprayed line while others show traces of dirt or glued-on paper remnants from his studio. Thus, the artist’s light-handed and complex approach to the non-motif opens up the space of the canvas for unique breaks in perception and an unexpected freedom of vision.
This exhibition is organized by Assistant Curator Gao Liangjiao and Associate Curator Wu Yiyang at the Aranya Art Center.
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