Jean-Luc Mylayne (*1946) is acclaimed for a conceptual photographic practice that captures birds in their natural habitats and evokes philosophical questions about the perception of time. The French-born artist lives and works “in the world,” as he has repeatedly stressed. He and his wife and artistic collaborator Mylène (*1960)—also the inspiration for Mylayne’s adopted surname—lead a nomadic life centered on ornithological observation and encounters. The often months-long process needed to create the photographs makes them documents of a radical deceleration and a meditation on nature, life and transience.

Jean-Luc Mylayne
June 2–July 29, 2023
Poetry and existential philosophical questions define Jean-Luc Mylayne’s conceptual photographic practice of over four decades. Capturing birds in their natural habitats, the artist creates formally surprising and carefully calibrated images. Sprüth Magers is pleased to present Mirror, a choreographed selection of Mylayne’s works forming a distinctive ensemble thematically revolving around the fragility of our shared ecosystems and the brevity of life on earth. Every work on show is unique and the product of exceptional amounts of commitment, time and technical ingenuity. Requiring lengthy periods of preparation that stand in stark contrast to his subjects’ ceaseless anxious movement, Mylayne composes tableaux that possess the astounding ability to decelerate time. In a meditation on nature, life and transience, he seems to explore the commonalities and divides between us humans and these fragile, untamed animals.
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