John Bock. Photo: Carolin Röckelein


John Bock (*1965) is a sculptor, filmmaker, action artist, author and maker of drawings, best known for his theatrical cosmos of genre-bending performances and installations. His works often converge in sprawling experimental setups that confound the senses. The Berlin-based artist’s material excesses, shock effects, soundscapes and systematic semantic irritations have been described as a “manic world theater” that explores the dark sides of the psyche and radically flaunts the breakdown of social and psychological taboos.


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Expansive installations bearing darkly humorous, lyrical titles play a key role in the artist’s oeuvre. Quotidian objects—articles of clothing, toiletries, electrical appliances, furniture, wallpaper and sometimes even agricultural machinery—form ludicrous artistic landscapes subject to auditory and sometimes olfactory manipulation. They are also the sites for the artist’s films and performances, the so-called lectures, and can be understood as a Gesamtkunstwerk that both exposes and dissolves the traditional boundaries of the exhibition in a form of sustained institutional critique.

The films often play a synthesizing role in these installations. Initially created only in tandem with Bock’s live performances, recent years have seen them draw on an increasingly complex array of cinematographic typologies. Examples include Der magische Krug (The Magic Jug, 2013), which taps the aesthetic vocabulary of silent film, but also Unheil (Doom, 2018), a radical mash-up of the medieval fantasy genre. Other works, such as Unzone Eierloch (Unzone Egghole, 2013), are amalgamations of almost every genre, from experimental, horror and gangster films, road, sci-fi and Z movies, as well as romantic comedies and crime dramas. Bock’s films are often set in a schizophrenic, fairytale-like parallel world where adversaries might be strangled by the intestines spilling from the protagonist’s abdomen. Despite their freewheeling, associative play with words, objects and narrative elements, these works have all the coherence of feature films. A number of costumes and props shown in the films also reappear in the cosmos of objects that make up the surrounding installations. The props and objects become autonomous agents, bringing the film to life as unpredictable characters in their own right.

Bock calls his total works of art Summenmutationen—a neologism combining the German words for “sum” and “mutation”—an allusion to the fact that interdependencies arise between objects, actors, films and viewers and that the overall arrangement always leads to something new. The concept opens up an intricate discursive web for his works, and the word itself is inspired by the language of economics and informative yet hard-to-decipher German coinages such as Kunstwohlfahrt (art-welfare), Liebeselastizitäten (love-elasticities) or Triebgenialitäten (drive-genialities).

John Bock’s work clearly distances itself from the pathos of Viennese Actionism and its ideology of physical and sexual liberation. It also diverges from the explicit video works of Paul McCarthy, Tony Oursler and Mike Kelley, with whom the artist is often compared. Perhaps the biggest influence on Bock’s artistic universe can be found in Antonin Artaud’s notion of the absurd Theatre of Cruelty as a subversive counter-model to reality. Bock’s contemporary take on existentialist Dadaism defies the efficiency-loving and alignment-requiring neoliberal present with an absurd and glorious breach of boundaries and taboos. He counters the omnipresent disciplining of body and psyche with a radical staging of physicality and unrestraint. His oeuvre consistently exposes the anarchic chaos that we collectively repress.



John Bock: Im Moloch der Wesenspräsenz
Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, February 24–August 21, 2017
© 3B-Produktion


John Bock
John Bock
Untitled, 2023

John Bock
Untitled, 2023
Red and blue powder-coated steel display case with red and blue Plexiglas, wooden head with aluminum object and small objects, knitted figure with light bulb, aluminum object with spirit level
80 × 188 × 71 cm
31 1/2 × 74 × 28 inches

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John Bock
John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2020/2023

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2020/2023
HD video, 106:55 min

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John Bock
John Bock
Suggestion, 2012

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012
Video, color, sound
16:40 min

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John Bock
John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016
Colored pencil, wool, t-shirt, india ink, xerox copy, spray paint, pencil
100 × 410 cm
39 3/8 × 161 3/8 inches

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John Bock
John Bock
Hellraiser, 2018

John Bock
Hellraiser, 2018
2 moped tin dresses, model 'Schwalbe', herringbone on plate, lid of tin can, compass point
each 63 × 52 × 165 cm (2 parts)
each 24 7/8 × 20 1/2 × 65 inches (2 parts)

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John Bock
John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014 (detail)
Mixed media, 6 videos: Unzone Eierloch (47:50 min), Vision 1 (12:39 min), Vision 2 (9:14 min), Vision 3 (6:12 min), Vision 4 (18:02 min), Vision 5 (11:47 min)
Dimensions variable

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John Bock
John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013
Video, color, sound
47:50 min

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John Bock
John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013
Installation with video π-Bean (31:10 min)
Metal sculpture, disco ball, wig, hospital drip
300 × 250 × 250 cm
118 × 98 3/8 × 98 3/8 inches

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John Bock
John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
Video, color, sound
32:36 min

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John Bock
John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
Installation with video (32:36 min)
Table, textiles, wood, adhesive tape, teapot, cushion, red wine bottle, wire, single disc
ca. 160 × 200 × 130 cm
approx. 63 × 78 3/4 × 51 1/8 inches

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John Bock
John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014
Fabric, textile objects, strand of hair, shirt, drawing
240 × 200 × 15 cm
94 1/2 × 78 3/4 × 6 inches

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John Bock
John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
Video, color, sound
90 min

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John Bock
John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013 (set photo)
Installation with video Der magische Krug (15:50 min), animated puppet, canvas, cinema seats
Dimensions variable

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John Bock

John Bock
Untitled, 2023
Red and blue powder-coated steel display case with red and blue Plexiglas, wooden head with aluminum object and small objects, knitted figure with light bulb, aluminum object with spirit level
80 × 188 × 71 cm
31 1/2 × 74 × 28 inches

John Bock
Untitled, 2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Untitled, 2023 (detail)

John Bock
Untitled, 2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Untitled, 2023 (detail)

John Bock
Untitled, 2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Untitled, 2023 (detail)

John Bock
Untitled, 2023
John Bock

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2020/2023
HD video, 106:55 min

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2020/2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023 (film still)

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023 (film still)

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023 (film still)

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023 (film still)

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023 (film still)

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2023 (film still)

John Bock
Ex-Ego-Gynt, 2020/2023
John Bock

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012
Video, color, sound
16:40 min

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012 (set photo)

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012 (set photo)

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012 (set photo)

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012 (set photo)

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012 (set photo)

John Bock
Suggestion, 2012
John Bock

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016
Colored pencil, wool, t-shirt, india ink, xerox copy, spray paint, pencil
100 × 410 cm
39 3/8 × 161 3/8 inches

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016 (detail)

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016 (detail)

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016 (detail)

John Bock
Untitled, 2009/2016
John Bock

John Bock
Hellraiser, 2018
2 moped tin dresses, model 'Schwalbe', herringbone on plate, lid of tin can, compass point
each 63 × 52 × 165 cm (2 parts)
each 24 7/8 × 20 1/2 × 65 inches (2 parts)

John Bock
Hellraiser, 2018
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Hellraiser, 2018 (detail)

John Bock
Hellraiser, 2018
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014 (detail)
Mixed media, 6 videos: Unzone Eierloch (47:50 min), Vision 1 (12:39 min), Vision 2 (9:14 min), Vision 3 (6:12 min), Vision 4 (18:02 min), Vision 5 (11:47 min)
Dimensions variable

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014 (detail)

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014 (detail)

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014 (detail)

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013/2014
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013
Video, color, sound
47:50 min

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Unzone Eierloch, 2013
John Bock

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013
Installation with video π-Bean (31:10 min)
Metal sculpture, disco ball, wig, hospital drip
300 × 250 × 250 cm
118 × 98 3/8 × 98 3/8 inches

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013 (detail)

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013 (detail)

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013 (detail)

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013 (detail)

John Bock
Wopper-π-Bean, 2010/2013
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
Video, color, sound
32:36 min

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000 (set photo)

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
Installation with video (32:36 min)
Table, textiles, wood, adhesive tape, teapot, cushion, red wine bottle, wire, single disc
ca. 160 × 200 × 130 cm
approx. 63 × 78 3/4 × 51 1/8 inches

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000 (detail)

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000 (detail)

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000 (detail)

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000 (detail)

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000 (detail)

John Bock
1 = 2 + KleinOdTot, 2000
John Bock

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014
Fabric, textile objects, strand of hair, shirt, drawing
240 × 200 × 15 cm
94 1/2 × 78 3/4 × 6 inches

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014 (detail)

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014 (detail)

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014 (detail)

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014 (detail)

John Bock
Aus der Kopf-Ab-Leiche im Maggiatalgeröll wächst ein Diagrammstöckchen mit Zeitansage und angebacktem Geröll, 2014
John Bock

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
Video, color, sound
90 min

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017 (set photo)

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017 (set photo)

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017 (set photo)

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017 (set photo)

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017 (set photo)

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017 (set photo)

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017 (set photo)

John Bock
Hell’s Bells, 2017
John Bock

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013 (set photo)
Installation with video Der magische Krug (15:50 min), animated puppet, canvas, cinema seats
Dimensions variable

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013 (set photo)

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013
John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013

John Bock
Der magische Krug, 2013
1 of 13


Current and Upcoming
John Bock
John Bock, COWWIDINOK, 2015 (video still)
© John Bock

John Bock and Heiner Franzen
Berlinische Galerie, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Berlin
March 7–August 11, 2025

Who are we and what are we doing here? Ever since Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) founded psychoanalysis, we have been searching our own souls for answers to life’s great questions. Psychonaut comes from astronaut and literally means soul-sailor. These voyages lead not out into space but towards the infinite expanse within us. In that spirit artists John Bock (*1965) and Heiner Franzen (*1960) explore the human psyche and its depths in their enigmatic videos. They draw inspiration from the cinema with its rivers of imagery, a machinery of dream and myth that has often been compared with the human mind. Bock’s theatrical film COWWIDINOK, 2015, and Franzen’s installation Twin, 2009, are both in the collection of the Berlinische Galerie and will be screened on the museum’s premises for the first time.

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Exhibitions at Sprüth Magers
John Bock

John Bock
November 18, 2023–January 27, 2024

The works of sculptor, action artist, filmmaker and author John Bock are experiments in material and language that challenge the traditional boundaries within the art world. Bock composes spectacular and absurd structures wherein he stages his lectures and films. Sprüth Magers is pleased to present a solo exhibition by the artist, which will transform the gallery space into Bock’s characteristically unique artistic cosmos and premiere his latest film alongside several new objects and an installation.

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Mies in Mind
John Bock, Thomas Demand, Thea Djordjadze, Jenny Holzer, Kraftwerk, Reinhard Mucha, Otto Piene, Thomas Ruff, Thomas Scheibitz
August 20–September 4, 2021

As part of the exhibition parcours Mies In Mind, initiated by INDEX Berlin and taking place on the occasion of the reopening of the Neue Nationalgalerie, Sprüth Magers is showcasing works by John Bock, Thomas Demand, Thea Djordjadze, Jenny Holzer, Reinhard Mucha, Otto Piene, Thomas Ruff and Thomas Scheibitz in a group exhibition that pays tribute to the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and his famous building.

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John Bock
John Bock

John Bock
November 24, 2018–January 19, 2019

The films and mise-en-scène sculptures of John Bock are entanglements of meaning and reality. Incorporating installation, performance and film, Bock's practice is deliberately devoid of singular specific meaning; rather, his works serve to confuse the boundaries of different genres. Using theatrical, colourful material and experimental language, through the creation of various tableaus, the artist creates alchemical 'zones' in which hidden fragments of reality are revealed to the visitor.

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John Bock
Knick-Falte in der Schädeldecke
March 15–April 12, 2014

The film Unzone Eierloch by John Bock begins with a scene which can be understood as a metaphor for his entire œuvre: The main protagonist, who could be considered to be a young version of the artist himself in terms of height, appearance, and clothing style, stands in front of a generic oil painting depicting a seascape. He secretely scrapes away some oil paint from the canvas, whereupon a flood of blue-green slime emerges from the cut. The leak in the painted ocean cannot be plugged, the oozing slime cannot be stopped.

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John Bock

John Bock: Ping Pong
Damn Magazine, interview by Chieri Higa, Spring 2024

Das Böseste Wesen
Kunst Berlin, special issue by Tagesspiegel, interview by Christiane Meixner, September 2018

John Bock. Im Modder der Summenmutation
Kunstforum International, article by Ann-Katrin Günzel, January-February 2014

Vier Mägen für die Kunst
Der Tagesspiegel, review by Kolja Reichert, December 23, 2013

John Bock
Frieze, article by Amanda Coulson, November-December 2007


John Bock (*1965, Gribbohm, Germany) lives in Berlin. Selected solo exhibitions include Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin (2019), Fondazione Prada, Milano (2018), Contemporary Austin (2017), La Panacée, Montpellier (2017), Berlinische Galerie, Berlin (2017), Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (2013), Kunstverein Hamburg (2013), Städel Museum, Frankfurt (2012), Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin (2010). Selected group exhibitions include Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain (2024), Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach (2022), Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen (2021), Salzburg Museum (2020), Kunstmuseum Bonn (2020), Sammlung Falckenberg/Deichtorhallen, Hamburg (2019), Montréal Museum of Fine Art (2017), Kunsthalle Rostock (2017), Marta Herford (2017), Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (2016), Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg (2016), Guggenheim Museum, New York (2015), Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (2011). He participated in Documenta XI, Kassel (2002) as well as the 55th Venice Bienniale (2013), the 51st Venice Biennial (2005) and the 48th Venice Biennale (1999).

1991–97 Diploma in Fine Art Studies at Hochschule für Bildende Künste (HFBK), Hamburg
1986–94 Diploma in Business Administration, Universität Hamburg
2004–present Professorship of Sculpture at State Academy of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe
Public Collections
Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
Boros Collection, Berlin
Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
DESTE Foundation, Athens
FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims
Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Milan
Fondazione Prada, Milan
Fundacion la Caixa, Barcelona
Guggenheim Museum, New York
Julia Stoschek Collection
Kunsthalle Mannheim
Kunstmuseum Bonn
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek
Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach
Museum Boijmans von Beuningen, Rotterdam
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin
Museum Ludwig, Cologne
National Museum of Norway, Oslo
Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
Sammlung Falckenberg/Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
Sammlung Goetz, Munich
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Tate, London
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
Zabludowicz Collection, London