Robert Elfgen (*1972) is acclaimed for a mytho-poetic artistic universe that revolves around the relationship between human beings and the world. His assemblages, collages, light objects, videos, floor- and wall works are frequently arranged in room-filling installations that resemble walk-in paintings. The Cologne-based artist makes use of objets trouvés from his everyday surroundings, but also draws upon such traditional artistic media as metal engraving, reverse glass painting, inlay and various printing-making techniques. The often-improvised combination of found objects, images and technical approaches conjures complex associations and interconnected layers of meaning.

Robert Elfgen
Painting without painting
Sprüth Magers and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König
“I actually work like a sculptor. For my paintings, I use solid materials like wood or brass, which I can stain, saw off, and shape.”
Robert Elfgen doesn’t paint his paintings, he builds them. The brightly illustrated catalogue Robert Elfgen: Painting without painting is devoted to the artistic idea that leads Elfgen to his images. Through 34 color plates, 40 illustrations, and a comprehensive text contribution, this catalogue demonstrates Elfgen’s understanding of the image as embedded in the history of painting—from the Middle Ages through Romanticism to the 21st century. The catalogue also features hitherto unpublished works by the artist.
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